Welcome to Yoga Arts
Specializing in private yoga for special clients.
Yoga Arts private clients are serious athletes, busy professionals, and/or people with limiting physical conditions where participation in mainstream yoga could be a health concern. ​These sessions offer a mix of alignment based yoga with an individualized focus on subtle anatomy, strength training, flexibility, balance, breath and according client interest, philosophical insights and meditation. To schedule an appointment text or call .
We also offer small classes in body-mind training centering on alignment and fluidity based yoga with a focus on yoga anatomy, strength, mobility, balance, breath, and mindfulness. For class roster and sign up click here.
Yoga Arts Mission
Helping people learn yoga in a natural & precise way so they enjoy the fruit of improved flexibility, strength, alignment, balance, awareness, patience, drive and confidence.
Yoga Arts Principles

What happens in the body has a correlational effect in the mind and what happens in the mind has a correlational effect in the body. In this way the body and the mind are one,
The body-mind is free and autonomous, (svatantra). It is self-expanding, self-limiting, self-healing, self-depleting. One’s life pulsates within these polarities and as it does, yoga supports the overall process of evolution and fulfillment of one’s purpose. This happens through grace and through practice of the elements of yoga.
The Elements
Each of the elements is a form of right knowledge and action leading to expansion of awareness, skillfulness and wisdom. Which elements and to what extent they are practiced depends on the individual's desires and goals.
Posture: This includes traditional yoga postures (asana) but also beneficial movement derived from a variety of physical disciplines that align, stabilize, strengthen and enhance the mobility and flexibility in the health of joints and tissues.
Breath: Primal impulse of life (prana). Balance the nervous system. Mastery of energy.
Relaxation: Activates parasympathetic nerves (pratyahara) promoting flow of Soma which is the restorative nectar of health.
Visualization: Seeing (darshana) a thing for what it is, its essence, or “suchness”— the divinity of Self & life. Does not depend on learning or imagination.
Speaking & Listening: The articulation and hearing of one’s truth, others’ truth. Respect of self and other — I and Thou. One of the means to finding one's way.
Meditation: Stillness of mental activity. Expansion of consciousness. Burning off limitations. Grace. In the Yoga tradition, meditation is learned formally from a qualified teacher: initiation (diksha).
The individual conscious being, as a contraction of universal Awareness, consists of the entire universe in a microcosmic form.
— The Recognition Sutras

Connect with Yoga Arts
Get in touch if you would like to stay up to date with Yoga Arts or if you have questions about our memberships.
1122 12th St W
Bradenton, Florida 34205
941 264-7312